

Effective Communicators are Inclusive

You know you are communicating effectively when the message you are intending to send is what is being received and your communication is making an impact. Effective communicators are inclusive, because they consider all participants in their interactions. They honor other viewpoints, are open even to those who disagree with them, and speak up and take thoughtful action to make a difference in their life, community, or workplace.

To effectively share ideas, have difficult conversations, connect across difference, and inspire others to action, inclusion is necessary. Inclusive communication is a platform you can use to change your life and the lives of others. Everyone can be an inclusive leader. Everyone has the power to use their voice to make change. Language is one of the most powerful tools we have as humans. It binds us. Instructs us. When used well, it creates a common understanding. And it’s essential for creating an environment where everyone feels welcome and included.