

A more inclusive future
starts with a simple conversation

Discover a diverse network of verified C-suite executives, board members, and founders.

All powered by AI.

How It Works

Activate conversations that lead to executive sponsorship.

It's easy to get started meeting a more diverse group of senior leadership professionals


Setup Account

Tell us about your professional background and industry experience


Add Your Availability

Let us know when you’re available for requests to meet



Start building real relationships with diverse senior and high potential professionals, instantly and intelligently

Break Your Executive Routine

Meaningful conversations should be more than just a happy coincidence

Why Join

It’s simple. Executive conversations lead to opportunities and organizational change.

We set out to create a safe space for professionals focused on accelerating gender, racial and LGBTO+ representation within senior most executive circles

Grow a senior executive network where every great idea can be heard

Welcome to a new kind of professional space that’s accessible to everyone. Connect with verified board members, senior executives, founders and future leaders working to embed diversity and inclusion into their core business strategy

Homepage STRIDES AI2

AI-Powered discovery means one-on-one introductions with the most relevant relationships first

This unique platform makes it turn-key and easy for board members to open availability to meet with other executives over a virtual session – taking the hassle and time out of traditional ways of meaningfully connecting with those outside of your executive network

Make great STRIDES...

Senior leaders from over 200 organizations are already members of STRIDES making a difference and an impact on a diverse future.

Already members of STRIDES

Why sponsorship matters?

Access current and next generation senior leaders of all backgrounds

Let's create relationships that lead to professional advocacy and sponsorship regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation

Take Action


of the companies say they are looking to increase diversity and representation among senior leaders 1

Create Opportunity


Are filled via Networking and Professional connections 2

Drive Performance


of CEOs with Diverse and Inclusive environment noticed increased level of profitability 2

1 *Board Practices Report* issued by Deloitte's Center for Board Effectiveness and the Society for Corporate Governance, Mar 2019

2 What Directors Think by Corporate Board Member, Computershare, Georgeson, Feb 2020

Inspire forward-looking leaders

Welcome to a more inclusive senior executive network